God's FFA

God’s FFA (Garden Project)

The weather has cooperated, so watering the gardens was only necessary one time so far this season, but the watering crew made quick work of it. (Photo: Loren Siebrecht, Greg Nessa, Lana Geary, Clay Winterboer, Pastor Terry, Wes Niles, Lisa Honold)

As of mid-July, nearly 350 pounds of produce had been delivered to the New Opportunities Food Pantry. That total includes two deliveries of sweet corn.

Greg Nessa and Loren Siebrecht made more deliveries of sweet corn while the Winterboers were on vacation. They also delivered the zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes from some of the other church gardens.


This year we’re doing a bit of “double cropping”. When the rows of radishes were harvested, carrots were planted in that space (under the cage in the photo on the left), and when the sugar peas were finished producing, pole beans were planted in that space to reuse the wire the peas were on.