God's FFA

God’s FFA (Garden Project)

The pumpkin harvest put the weight of the produce delivered to the New Opportunities’ food pantry to over 2,000 pounds (1+ ton).

The tomatoes and fall beans were plentiful, until the dry weather brought the grasshoppers who apparently enjoy those plants,

The fall crop of radishes has been a success. They are a welcome change to the “normal” deliveries. The small pumpkin shaped gourds that New Opportunities requested for the Head Start children will be harvested soon. Greg Neesa and Clay removed the fencing around that plot (meant to keep the vines in) so it should be easier to get to the gourds.

The cleanup process will be the last task of this garden project. When the dumpster for plant debris is delivered to the garden plot area sometime in October, we’ll let you know the date of the next “garden party”.

Thanks to all the volunteers for making this project a success.