Monthly Mission

Mat Weaving-Meets every Wednesday 1-3 pm

Mat #14 was completed in February. Mat # 15 is nearly completed. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped cut the plastic bags. There was quite a large pile which has now been reduced to a manageable size. We could use help attaching the plastic strips together to form a chain that is rolled into a ball. This is called a plarn (plastic yarn) ball. It is used to load the frame from one end to the other lengthwise to form the strips on which the weaving is done. If you are interested, please talk to one of the mission committee members, and we can show you how to make a plarn ball.

Sewing Group 

The sewing group will meet on Tuesday, April 15, from 9-11am in the mission room. Thank you to the donor of the latest monetary gift for the sewing group. We used it to purchase the PUL (polyurethane laminate) fabric that makes the feminine pads waterproof. If you have a sewing machine that you no longer use and would like to donate it to the sewing group, they would really appreciate it. Currently the gals are packing up their sewing machines at home and bringing them back and forth to church. Having a few sewing machines at church in the mission room would help eliminate the need to keep transporting the sewing machines…they get pretty heavy.

Lenten Mission Focus

During the Lenten season, the mission committee would like to promote donations to help alleviate local “food insecurity”. The Carroll community is served by three food pantries. If you would like to support one or more, please specify Tiger Cupboard, Community of Concern, or New Opportunities on your donation. The Tiger Cupboard is located at Carroll High School and serves some of our Carroll students and their families. New Opportunities serves qualifying income-based clients and is part of their Family Development Center located east on Highway 30. The Community of Concern Food Pantry serves needs based clients and is located on 3rd Street. During the month of March, members of the mission committee will be doing brief mission moments to provide more information on these three options.